It’s that fateful time of year again! Whether you’re single, taken or “it’s complicated”, Valentine’s Day is upon us. If you’re panicking about having a special someone to spend the day of love with, there are a few ways that might just get you there in time. Here are 10 tips to snag yourself a catch to sit across a table from, hopefully with facial expressions that resemble the heart-eyes emoji.

1) What Are Friends For? Get Set Up

If you think you’re above being set up by friends, just remember Meghan Markle wouldn’t be a princess right now if she had felt the same. So set your pride aside, and appeal to your besties to find you your Prince Harry.
Although the prospect of getting set up, or a “blind” date can be a little daunting, is anything ever really blind these days? You’ve got Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn – let the social media stalker within you go crazy if that puts you at ease. Tell your squad to turn the Netflix off and make their new passion project finding you a life partner (or just a date).

2) If You Aren’t On Dating Apps, You’re The Only One

We’ve all gone through the phase of deleting dating apps off our phone, and deciding we’re all about ‘organic connections’. But if we’re being honest, they’re probably your best bet for getting a date with short notice. Whatever your style, there’s a plethora of apps out there now – so get to swiping!

3) Swipe Right In Person

If you can’t bring yourself to face the world of Tinder, Bumble, Hinge or Happn, try the real-life version of swiping through potential matches. Gather up your single friends and find a speed dating event near you. At the very least, you’ll probably come away with a few interesting (hopefully not horror) stories to tell.

4) Expand Your Circles

Seeing the same people day in, day out, followed by a couple of hours staring at a screen before bed probably isn’t the optimal course of action for your dating life. Ditch the solo ‘Netflix & Chill’, and start meeting as many new people as you can on a regular basis. Throw a party where people bring friends, join an interest group and trade-in some ‘me time’ for ‘we time’.

5) Reconsider…. Reevaluate….Relationship

If searching amongst a sea of strangers isn’t working out, it might be worth considering people in your life you might’ve overlooked. A mate or colleague you see every day that you might have a little spark with? Don’t start asking out everyone in your vicinity, but there’s no harm reconsidering something you’ve previously brushed off.

6) Stop Taking Stranger Danger So Seriously

We’re all told from a young age not to talk to strangers. However, in this case, do! Whether it’s a cute guy next to you lining up for coffee or a girl you spot while out on your lunch break – sometimes all you need is a little icebreaker to get some momentum going.

7) Unfurl Your Social Butterfly Wings

If you’re someone who prides themselves on being a recluse with a lack of social life, you’ll probably have to accept a life of single-hood. Start saying ‘yes’ to every event you get invited to – birthdays, anniversaries, house parties. You never know who might pop up!

8) Stop Yourself In Your Tracks

Admittedly, meeting new people all the time can be exhausting. However, there are bound to be places you already frequent on a regular basis – work, the gym, a local bar etcetera. Next time you’re out, slow down and start to get to know the people you might see every day but rarely converse with.

9) Risk Your Crush Crushing You

Provided your list isn’t limited to Ryan Gosling or Reynolds, Valentine’s day is the perfect period to pluck up the courage and ask your crush out. If all fails and it goes terribly, you can chalk it up to all the love in the air getting to your head.

10) Swap Out Valentine’s For Galentine’s

Finally, there will be some years where you need mates more than dates. Sometimes (or always) a night of guaranteed fun with your closest pals is preferable to an awkward dinner with a potential love interest. So if you’re ploys to get dates are to no avail, embrace Galentine’s (or the albeit less catchy Bro-entine’s), and spend the night partying with your friends.

There you have it – 10 ways to increase your odds of a special someone in your life. Whether you’re after a Valentine’s date or just want to meet new people, you’ll be well on your way to a more happening dating life.